John O'Groats
Terry Towery
Palladium Print
8 x 10 in
$750 plus frame
towery_terry_5, entry #251
Instagram: @terryt6

I'd Rather Be
Sally Bousquet
Cyanotype print (toned)
7 x 10 inches framed to 16 x 20 inches
bousquet_sally_1, entry #252
instagram: @srbousquet

Beyond Our Depth
Sally Bousquet
Cyanotype print (toned)
6.5 x 10 inches framed to 16 x 20 inches
bousquet_sally_2, entry #253
instagram: @srbousquet

Outer Space, East London
Sally Bousquet
Cyanotype print
7 x 10 inches framed to 16 x 20 inches
bousquet_sally_3, entry #254
instagram: @srbousquet

Peter Frandsen
5 1/8 x 6 inches
frandsen_peter_1, entry #255

Peter Frandsen
gum bichromate print
4 x 5 inches
frandsen_peter_2, entry #256

Peter Frandsen
gum bichromate print
4 1/2 x 6 inches
frandsen_peter_3, entry #257

Public Face, Private Smile
Edward Draper
Gum Bichromate print
20 x 24 inches
edward_draper_1, entry #258
instagram: @edwardplatinumprince

Keeping it to Myself
Edward Draper
Gum Bichromate print
20 x 24 inches
edward_draper_2, entry #259
instagram: @edwardplatinumprince

Closing My Secrets
Edward Draper
Gum Bichromate print
20 x 24 inches
edward_draper_3, entry #260
instagram: @edwardplatinumprince

Head of the Magical Magpie Head
Edward Draper
Gum Bichromate print
20 x 24 inches
edward_draper_4, entry #261
instagram: @edwardplatinumprince

Edward Draper
Platinum print
8 x 14 inches
edward_draper_5, entry #262
instagram: @edwardplatinumprince

Hands & Toad
Pat Holgate
VanDyke Brown print
6.5 x 10 inches
holgate_pat_1, entry #263

Poplar Field
Pat Holgate
gum over palladium print
8 x 10.5 inches
holgate_pat_2, entry #264

Pat Holgate
gum over palladium print
7.5 x 7.5 inches
holgate_pat_3, entry #265

Pat Holgate
gum over palladium print
8 x 8 inches
holgate_pat_4, entry #266

Pat Holgate
gum over palladium print
6.75 x 10.5 inches
holgate_pat_5, entry #267

Kelli Pennington
Palladium Print
5 x7 inches
pennington_kelli_1, entry #268
instagram @kellipenni

The Cross
Kelli Pennington
Palladium Print
5 x7 inches
pennington_kelli_2, entry #269
instagram @kellipenni

Kelli Pennington
Palladium Print
5 x7 inches
pennington_kelli_3, entry #270
instagram @kellipenni

Kelli Pennington
Palladium Print
5 x7 inches
pennington_kelli_4, entry #271
instagram @kellipenni

Kelli Pennington
Palladium Print
5 x7 inches
pennington_kelli_5, entry #272
instagram @kellipenni

William LaMorris
Lith Print
11 x 14 inches
lamorris_william_1, entry #273

Dia de Los Muertos
William LaMorris
Lith Print
11 x 14 inches
lamorris_william_2, entry #274

First Light
William LaMorris
Lith Print split toned with selenium
16 x 20 inches
lamorris_william_3, entry #275

La Capilla de Todos Los Santos
William LaMorris
Lith Print
11 x 14 inches
lamorris_william_4, entry #276

William LaMorris
Silver Gelatin Print
16 x 20 inches
lamorris_william_4, entry #277

Megan Self-Portrait, 2018

Megan, Self-Portrait, C-Spine Lordosis, 2018


Clean Brain Scan, 2018

Sick Days

Careful Approach
Lori Oden
Silver gelatin print on fiber paper
4 x 5 inches matted and framed to 8 x 10 inches
oden_lori_1, entry #283

Ghost of WeeGee Possesses Me
Lori Oden
Lith print from 4x5 film negative
4 x 5 inches matted and framed to 8 x 10 inches
oden_lori_2, entry #284

Waiting for the Right Words
Lori Oden
Platinum Palladium print from Polaroid 55 negative
4 x 5 inches matted and framed to 8 x 10 inches
oden_lori_3, entry #285

Boxed Emotions
Lori Oden
4 x 5 inches matted and framed to 8 x 10 inches
oden_lori_4, entry #28

Paper Airplane
Lori Oden
Lith print from 4x5 film negative
4 x 5 inches matted and framed to 8 x 10 inches
oden_lori_5, entry #287


A life lived


The Altar

Under the Bridge
Letty Samonte
Platinum Palladium print
5 1/2 x 7 3/16 inches
samonte_letty_1, entry #292

Letty Samonte
Platinum Palladium print
5 1/2 x 7 3/16 inches
samonte_letty_2, entry #293

Hands on Venice
Letty Samonte
Platinum Palladium print
5 1/2 x 7 3/16 inches
samonte_letty_3, entry #294

Gypsy Cafe
Letty Samonte
Platinum Palladium print
5 1/2 x 7 3/16 inches
samonte_letty_4, entry #295

Sandy in the Gallery
William Lemke
VanDyke Brown Print
4 x 5 inches framed to 13 x 15
lemke_william_1, entry #296

Figure on Couch
William Lemke
VanDyke Brown Print
4 x 5 inches framed to 13 x 15
lemke_william_2, entry #297

William Lemke
VanDyke Brown Print
4 x 5 inches framed to 13 x 15
lemke_william_3, entry #298

Georgia & Boots - Albuquerque, NM circa 1940's & 2018
Elaine Querry
VanDyke and Cyanotype print
15 x 19 inches framed to 20 x 24 inches
querry_elaine_1, entry #299

Little Lambs - Guadalupe County, NM circa 1930s & 2018
Elaine Querry
Toned Cyanotype Print
15 x 19 inches framed to 20 x 24 inches
querry_elaine_2, entry #300

Great Uncles - Guadalupe County, NM circa 1918 & 2018
Elaine Querry
Toned Cyanotype Print
15 x 19 inches framed to 20 x 24 inches
querry_elaine_3, entry #301

Trouble in July - San Miguel County, NM circa 1940s & 2018
Elaine Querry
Toned Cyanotype Print
15 x 19 inches framed to 20 x 24 inches
querry_elaine_4, entry #302

Frogs and Lilys, Vermont, 1976
Charlie Baggett
8 x10 print
baggett_charlie_1, #303

Gaard (Farm) 1978, Aarsdale, Bornholm Island, Denmark
Charlie Baggett
8 x10 print
baggett_charlie_2, #304

Neckso APotek 1978 Bornholm Island, Denmark
Charlie Baggett
8 x10 print
baggett_charlie_3, #305

Ring of Brodgar 1981, Orkney Mainland, Orkney Islands, Scotland
Charlie Baggett
8 x10 print
baggett_charlie_4, #306

Broken Jewish Headstone in Stream (Holocaust) 1979 Florsheim am Main, Germany
Charlie Baggett
8 x10 print
baggett_charlie_5, #307

Bronwen Hazlett
Blue Van Dyke
12 x 18 inches
hazlett_bronwen_1, entry #308
instagram: @bronwenhazlett

Her Former Self
Bronwen Hazlett
Blue Van Dyke
12 x 18 inches
hazlett_bronwen_2, entry #309
instagram: @bronwenhazlett

Bronwen Hazlett
Blue Van Dyke
14 x 20 inches
hazlett_bronwen_3, entry #310
instagram: @bronwenhazlett

Bronwen Hazlett
Blue Van Dyke
12 x 18 inches
hazlett_bronwen_4, entry #311
instagram: @bronwenhazlett

Prime Hook Fog
Bronwen Hazlett
Blue Van Dyke
12 x 18 inches
hazlett_bronwen_5, entry #312
instagram: @bronwenhazlett

The wingless victory
Annie Lemoux
Handocated Platinum/Palladium on vellum on gold
lemoux_annie_1, entry #313

After Rossetti
Annie Lemoux
Handocated Platinum/Palladium on vellum on gold
lemoux_annie_2, entry #314

The womb
Annie Lemoux
bleached cyanotype print
lemoux_annie_3, entry #315

Male Study
Annie Lemoux
bleached cyanotype
lemoux_annie_4, entry #316

The Nude in the mirror
Annie Lemoux
Sienna Brown and Black gum bichromate print
lemoux_annie_5, entry #317

Two Friends
Grant Handgis
Gum over Palladium print
8 x 10 inches
handgis_grant_1, entry #318

Grant Handgis
Gum over Palladium print
8 x 10 inches
handgis_grant_2, entry #319

Skinner's Cabin
Grant Handgis
Gum over Palladium print
8 x 10 inches
handgis_grant_3, entry #320

The Water Gourds
Grant Handgis
Gum over Palladium print
8 x 10 inches
handgis_grant_4, entry #321

The Flute Player
Grant Handgis
Gum Dichromate print
8 x 10 inches
handgis_grant_5, entry #322

After the Fire, Minnewaska State Park, NY
entry #323

Minnewaska Falls
entry #324

Rocks in Minnewaska Lake
entry #325

Kangaroo Ridge
Walt O’Brien
Platinum Palladium print
14 x 16 inches framed to 20 x 22
obrien_walt_1, entry #326

Whitaker Catherdral
Walt O’Brien
Platinum Palladium print
11 x 14 inches framed to 16 x 20
obrien_walt_2, entry #327

Walt O’Brien
Platinum Palladium print
15 x 15 inches framed to 20 x 20 inches
obrien_walt_3, entry #328

Near Cougar Reservoir
Walt O’Brien
Platinum Palladium print
13 x 16 inches framed to 16 x 20
obrien_walt_4, entry #329

Snarled Brush
Walt O’Brien
Platinum Palladium print
15 x 15 inches framed to 20 x 20
obrien_walt_5, entry #330

Foss Waterway Industry

Chambers Bay Ruins

Bike Lock

Untitled Profile
Amy Pirrotta
Gum over Cyanotype Print
9.5 x 11.25 inches, matted to 16 x 20 inches
pirrotta_amy_1, entry #334
instagram: @amy_catie

Amy Pirrotta
Gum over Cyanotype Print
9.5 x 11.75 inches, matted to 16 x 20 inches
pirrotta_amy_2, entry #335
instagram: @amy_catie

Beside the Scary Dairy, Camarillo, CA
Amy Pirrotta
Toned Cyanotype Print
8.5 x 12.5 inches, matted to 16 x 20 inches
pirrotta_amy_3, entry #336
instagram: @amy_catie

Evalyn Hiding
Amy Pirrotta
Toned Cyanotype Print
7.75 x 9.75 inches, matted to 16 x 20 inches
pirrotta_amy_4, entry #337
instagram: @amy_catie

Dressing Gown
Amy Pirrotta
Gum over Cyanotype Print
9.5 x 12.5 inches, matted to 16 x 20 inches
pirrotta_amy_5, entry #338
instagram: @amy_catie

Margaret Blending In
Jeff Michalek
Wet Plate negative print with the Rawlins Oil Print Method
12 x 12 inches
michalek_jeff_1, entry #339

Cooper gets up close
Jeff Michalek
Wet Plate negative print with the Rawlins Oil Print Method
12 x 12 inches
michalek_jeff_2, entry #340

Ryan loses her flip flops
Jeff Michalek
Wet Plate negative print with the Rawlins Oil Print Method
12 x 12 inches
michalek_jeff_3, entry #341
Elizabeth Undone
Jeff Michalek
Wet Plate negative print with the Rawlins Oil Print Method
12 x 12 inches
michalek_jeff_4, entry #342
Elle loses her way
Jeff Michalek
Wet Plate negative print with the Rawlins Oil Print Method
12 x 12 inches
michalek_jeff_5, entry #343

No, Brattleboro, VT
Michael Przybyla
Platinum Palladium print
13 x 15 inches
pryzbyla_michael_1, entry #344

Vase, Bantry House, County Cork, Ireland
Michael Przybyla
Platinum Palladium print
13 x 15 inches
pryzbyla_michael_3, entry #345

Passage Way, Ft Know, Prospect, Maine
Michael Przybyla
Platinum Palladium print
13 x 15 inches
pryzbyla_michael_3, entry #346

Ledge, Schoodic Point, Maine
Michael Przybyla
Platinum Palladium print
13 x 15 inches
pryzbyla_michael_4, entry #347

Hornitos Barn
James Mickelson
Bromoil process
mickelson_james_1, entry #348

Flower Kisses
Michael Przybyla
Platinum Palladium print
13 x 15 inches
pryzbyla_michael_2, entry #349

Old Barn, Cathy's Valley
Michael Przybyla
Platinum Palladium print
13 x 15 inches
pryzbyla_michael_3, entry #350

Michael Przybyla
Platinum Palladium print
13 x 15 inches
pryzbyla_michael_4, entry #351

Fountain, Mission, San Miguel
Michael Przybyla
Platinum Palladium print
13 x 15 inches
pryzbyla_michael_5, entry #352


Quartz Block



Revisioning the Revisionist: Rousseau

Travertine Pool, Yellowstone
Kathleen Mala Thompson
Gum Bichromate print
10 x 13
malanthompson_kathleen_1, entry #358a

Faery Trees, Yellowstone
Kathleen Mala Thompson
Gum Bichromate print
10 x 13
malanthompson_kathleen_2, entry #359a

Apples & Cymbidium
Kathleen Mala Thompson
Gum Bichromate print
10 x 13
malanthompson_kathleen_3, entry #360a


Two Bosc Pears
Kathleen Mala Thompson
Gold toned Silver Gelatin
6.5 x 9.5 inches
malanthompson_kathleen_5, entry #362a

Eagle Huntress
Diane Fulmer
Platinum palladium print
4 x 6 inches
fulmer_diane_1, entry #353

Reaching for the Prize
Diane Fulmer
Platinum palladium print
6 x 7 inches
fulmer_diane_2, entry #354

Man on the Beach
Diane Fulmer
Platinum palladium print
5 x 7 inches
fulmer_diane_3, entry #355

Nature and Machinery
Diane Fulmer
Platinum palladium print
5 x 7 inches
fulmer_diane_4, entry #356

Greenland Ice
Diane Fulmer
Platinum palladium print
7 x 8 inches
fulmer_diane_5, entry #357

Road, Fence and Tree
Laura James
Platinum palladium print
5 x 7.5 inches
james_laura_1, entry #358

Curratuck Staircase
Laura James
Platinum palladium print
5 x 7.5 inches
james_laura_2, entry #359

The Knot
Laura James
Platinum palladium print
5 x 7.5 inches
james_laura_3, entry #360

Trinity Library Dublin
Laura James
Platinum palladium print
5 x 7.5 inches
james_laura_4, entry #361

Smoking Man
Laura James
Platinum palladium print
5 x 7.5 inches
james_laura_5, entry #362

My Lai, Vietnam no. 1
Don Unrau
Platinum palladium print
8 x 10 inches
unrau_don_1, entry #363

My Lai, Vietnam no. 2
Don Unrau
Platinum palladium print
8 x 10 inches
unrau_don_2, entry #364

My Lai, Vietnam no. 3
Don Unrau
Platinum palladium print
8 x 10 inches
unrau_don_3, entry #365

My Lai, Vietnam no. 4
Don Unrau
Platinum palladium print
8 x 10 inches
unrau_don_4, entry #366

Daucus carota var. sativa (carrot)
Emilija Petrauskiene
Silver gelatin print from Wet Plate Collodion Negative
16 x 20 inches framed to 20 x 24 inches
petrauskiene_emilija_1, entry #367
instagram: @silver_herbarium

Fragaria x ananassa (strawberry)
Emilija Petrauskiene
Silver gelatin print from Wet Plate Collodion Negative
16 x 20 inches framed to 20 x 24 inches
petrauskiene_emilija_2, entry #368
instagram: @silver_herbarium

Tulip "Libretto Parrot"
Emilija Petrauskiene
Silver gelatin print from Wet Plate Collodion Negative
16 x 20 inches framed to 20 x 24 inches
petrauskiene_emilija_3, entry #369
instagram: @silver_herbarium

Melissa officinalis (melissa)
Emilija Petrauskiene
Silver gelatin print from Wet Plate Collodion Negative
16 x 20 inches framed to 20 x 24 inches
petrauskiene_emilija_4, entry #370
instagram: @silver_herbarium

English Rose "William Shakespeare", crimson
Emilija Petrauskiene
Silver gelatin print from Wet Plate Collodion Negative
16 x 20 inches framed to 20 x 24 inches
petrauskiene_emilija_5, entry #371
instagram: @silver_herbarium

Desert Hum
Lloyd Matthews
Gum Bichromate over Ziatype
12 x 15 inches
$750, 1/5
matthews_lloyd_1, entry #372
instagram: fabricatedrealityart

Crystalline Mind
Lloyd Matthews
Gold toned VanDyke Brown print
10 x 13 inches
$400, 1/5
matthews_lloyd_2, entry #373
instagram: fabricatedrealityart

Lloyd Matthews
Gum Bichromate over Cyanotype
9.5 x 14 inches
$575, 1/1
matthews_lloyd_3, entry #374
instagram: fabricatedrealityart

Diminishing Succession
John Hendricks
Platinum palladium print
8 x 10 inches
hendricks_john_1, entry #375

Best Friends
John Hendricks
Platinum palladium print
8 x 10 inches
hendricks_john_2, entry #376

Thinking on it
John Hendricks
Platinum palladium print
8 x 10 inches
hendricks_john_3, entry #377

John Hendricks
Platinum palladium print
8 x 10 inches
hendricks_john_4, entry #378

Industrial Life Choices
John Hendricks
Platinum palladium print
8 x 10 inches
hendricks_john_5, entry #379

As My Dream Unfolds
Susan de Witt
Intaglio Print (one plate - inked using a la poupée)
4 3/4 x 7 3/4 inches on 11 x 15 inch paper
dewiitt_susan_1, entry #380
instragam: @waffleswins

Susan de Witt
Intaglio Print using chine collé (one plate)
5 1/2 x 7 3/4 inches on 11 x 15 inch paper
dewiitt_susan_2, entry #381
instragam: @waffleswins

Susan de Witt
Intaglio Print (three plates out of five)
5 1/2 x 7 3/4 inches on 11 x 15 inch paper
dewiitt_susan_3, entry #382
instragam: @waffleswins

Six Singers
Susan de Witt
Intaglio Print using chine collé (one plate)
6x 6 inches on 11 x 15 inch paper
dewiitt_susan_4, entry #383
instragam: @waffleswins

Susan de Witt
Intaglio Print (one plate - inked using a la poupée)
5 1/2 x 7 1/2 inches on 11 x 15 inch paper
dewiitt_susan_5, entry #384
instragam: @waffleswins

Sunflower Dreams
Tobey -Jean Priest
Chemigram Lumen Hybrid collage
each print is 6 1/2 x 7 1/2 inches plus frame
priest_tobey-jean_3, entry #385
instagram: @tobeyjean

Inside Out
Matthew Sergeant
Cyanotype print
20 x 24 inches including frame
sergeant_matt_1, entry #386

The Crow
Matthew Sergeant
Cyanotype print
20 x 24 inches including frame
sergeant_matt_2, entry #387

Matthew Sergeant
19 x 23 inches including frame
Price: 450.00
sergeant_matthew_3, entry #388

untitled (elm trees)
Amanda Tinker
Platinum palladium print
8 x 10 inches
tinker_amanda_1, entry #389

untitled (daisy petals)
Amanda Tinker
Platinum palladium print
8 x 10 inches
tinker_amanda_2, entry #390

untitled (birds)
Amanda Tinker
Platinum palladium print
8 x 10 inches
tinker_amanda_3, entry #391

untitled (petal arc)
Amanda Tinker
Platinum palladium print
8 x 10 inches
tinker_amanda_4, entry #392

Kelp Forest
Debra Small
wet cyanotype photogram
12 3/4 x 16 5/8 inches framed to 19 x 23 inches
small_debra_1, entry #393
instagram: @debra_small_photography

Under Water Fantasy
Debra Small
wet cyanotype photogram
12 3/4 x 16 3/4 inches framed to 19 x 23 inches
small_debra_2, entry #394
instagram: @debra_small_photography

Winter Leaves and Frozen Pond
Debra Small
wet cyanotype photogram
9 x 12inches framed to 16 x 20 inches
small_debra_3, entry #395
instagram: @debra_small_photography

van Gogh's Dahlia
Debra Small
wet cyanotype photogram
9 x 12 3/4 inches framed to 16 x 20 inches
small_debra_4, entry #396
instagram: @debra_small_photography

Butternut Squash Blossom
Debra Small
wet cyanotype photogram
7 3/4 x 10 1/2 inches framed to 14 x 18 inches
small_debra_5, entry #397
instagram: @debra_small_photography

Light Leak Book Series
Kate Copeland
Handmade Cyanotype book
4 1/8 x 5 1/8
The book pictured is NFS, but additional books are made to order for $100 apiece
copeland_kate_1, entry #398

Light Leak book series
Kate Copeland
Handmade Cyanotype book
4 1/8 x 5 1/8
The book pictured is NFS, but additional books are made to order for $100 apiece
copeland_kate_2, entry #399

Light Leak book series
Kate Copeland
Handmade Cyanotype book
5 1/8 x 8 1/4 inches when closed
The book pictured is NFS, but additional books are made to order for $100 apiece
copeland_kate_3, entry #400

Site Plate for a Missing Language
Kate Copeland
Handmade Cyanotype book
4 3/8 x 6 1/2 when closed
The book pictured is NFS, but additional books are made to order for $200 apiece
copeland_kate_4, entry #401

The Fading Communities
Kate Copeland
Handmade salt print book
4 3/8 x 6 1/2 when closed
The book pictured is NFS, but additional books are made to order for $200 apiece
copeland_kate_5, entry #402

Original Sin 5
Tim Freeman
Tricolor gum bichromate over platinum palladium
8 x 12 inches
freeman_tim_1, entry #403

incarnation 2
Tim Freeman
Tricolor gum bichromate over platinum palladium
8 x 12 inches
freeman_tim_2, entry #404

Original Sin 2
Tim Freeman
Tricolor gum bichromate over platinum palladium
8 x 12 inches
freeman_tim_3, entry #405

Original Sin 4
Tim Freeman
Tricolor gum bichromate over platinum palladium
8 x 12 inches
freeman_tim_4, entry #406

Incarnation 5
Tim Freeman
Tricolor gum bichromate over platinum palladium
8 x 12 inches
freeman_tim_5, entry #407

Motel Jesup (Pool)
Kendra Stanziola Mirrop
Salted Paper print
14 x 16 inches with matte
stanziolamirrop_kendra_1, entry #408
instagram: @kstanziolamirrop

Father and Son
Sterling Coke
Toned Cyanotype
8.5 x 11 inches
coke_sterling_1, entry #409

Portland Heads
Sterling Coke
Toned Cyanotype
8.5 x 11 inches
coke_sterling_2, entry #410

Day of the Dead Mother
Sterling Coke
Toned Cyanotype
8.5 x 11 inches
coke_sterling_3, entry #411

Three Graces
Sterling Coke
Photopolymer Intaglio
8.25 x 11.5 inches
coke_sterling_4, entry #412

Laurie Hartman
Platinum palladium prints
8 x 10 inches
hartman_laurie_1, entry #413

Venice Street-Sunny Day
Laurie Hartman
Platinum palladium prints
8 x 10 inches
hartman_laurie_2, entry #414

Chair-View from Olson House
Laurie Hartman
Platinum palladium prints
8 x 10 inches
hartman_laurie_3, entry #415

Minnewaska Trail
Laurie Hartman
Platinum palladium prints
8 x 10 inches
hartman_laurie_4, entry #416

Laurie Hartman
Platinum palladium prints
4 x 5 inches
hartman_laurie_5, entry #41

The Leafy Sea Dragon
Conor Culver
Liquid Light on Corroded Copper
13 x 19 inches
culver_conor_1, entry #418
instagram: @conorculver

The False Killer Whale
Conor Culver
Liquid Light on Corroded Copper
13 x 19 inches
culver_conor_2, entry #419
instagram: @conorculver

The Sailfish
Conor Culver
Liquid Light on Corroded Copper
13 x 19 inches
culver_conor_3, entry #420
instagram: @conorculver

The Thorny Sea Horse
Conor Culver
Liquid Light on Corroded Copper
13 x 19 inches
culver_conor_4, entry #421
instagram: @conorculver

The Wonderpus Octopus
Conor Culver
Liquid Light on Corroded Copper
13 x 19 inches
culver_conor_5, entry #422
instagram: @conorculver

Les Allert
Platinum palladium print
11 x 14 inches matted 16 x 20 inches
allert_les_1, entry #423
instagram: @quailartrun

Les Allert
Platinum palladium print
11 x 14 inches matted 16 x 20 inches
allert_les_2, entry #424
instagram: @quailartrun

Les Allert
Platinum palladium print
11 x 14 inches matted 16 x 20 inches
allert_les_3, entry #425
instagram: @quailartrun

Windows and Doors
Les Allert
Platinum palladium print
11 x 14 inches matted 16 x 20 inches
allert_les_4, entry #426
instagram: @quailartrun

Tee Windlass
Les Allert
Platinum palladium print
11 x 14 inches matted 16 x 20 inches
allert_les_5, entry #427
instagram: @quailartrun

Contemplation V
Lou McCorkle
Palladium print
9 x 11 inches matted and framed to 16 x 18
mccorkle_lou_1, entry #428

Evergreen Dogwood Seed Pods
Lou McCorkle
Palladium print
9 x 11 inches matted and framed to 16 x 18
mccorkle_lou_2, entry #429

Contemplation VIII
Lou McCorkle
Palladium print
8 x 12 inches matted and framed to 16 x 20
mccorkle_lou_3, entry #430

The Ganga: Varanasi

Study I

Study II


S & G

Madelyn Willis
Gold toned Ziatype
10 3/4 x 13 1/2 inches
willis_maddy_1, entry #436

Jemez Mountains
Madelyn Willis
Gold toned Ziatype
10 x 13 1/2 inches
willis_maddy_2, entry #437

Madelyn Willis
Salt Print
9 1/2 x 14 1/2 inches
willis_maddy_3, entry #438

Lamp and Bowl
Roger Thering
Platinum Palladium
5 x 7 inches
thering_roger_1, entry #439
instagram: @rthering

Palm Fonds
Roger Thering
Platinum Palladium
5 x 7 inches
thering_roger_2, entry #440
instagram: @rthering

Cellar Steps
Roger Thering
Platinum Palladium
5 x 7 inches
thering_roger_3, entry #441
instagram: @rthering

Dolan House
Roger Thering
Platinum Palladium
4 x 5 inches
thering_roger_4, entry #442
instagram: @rthering

Roger Thering
Platinum Palladium
4 x 5 inches
thering_roger_5, entry #443
instagram: @rthering

Junction Box
Amanda Christensen
4 x 6 inches
christensen_amanda_1, entry #444
instagram: @lapetitevie_

L'instant Taittinger (The Taittinger Moment)
Amanda Christensen
4 x 6 inches
christensen_amanda_2, entry #445
instagram: @lapetitevie_

Two rabbits and Tangled machinery
Amanda Christensen
4 x 6 inches
christensen_amanda_3, entry #446
instagram: @lapetitevie_

Carol Byron
Gold Toned Salt Print
14 x 14 inches
byron_carol_1, entry #450

Carol Byron
Gold Toned Salt Print
14 x 14 inches
byron_carol_2, entry #451

Carol Byron
Gold Toned Salt Print
14 x 14 inches
byron_carol_3, entry #452

Carol Byron
Gold Toned Salt Print
14 x 14 inches
byron_carol_4, entry #453

Kelly Chuning
Gum Bichromate print using menstrual blood as pigment
6 x 7 inches
chuning_kelly_1, entry #454
instagram: @kelly_chuning

Kelly Chuning
Gum Bichromate print using menstrual blood as pigment
6 x 7 inches
chuning_kelly_2, entry #455
instagram: @kelly_chuning

Kelly Chuning
Gum Bichromate print using menstrual blood as pigment
6 x 7 inches
chuning_kelly_3, entry #456
instagram: @kelly_chuning

Fallen Tree, Dewey, Quechee Vermont

Abstract Study, Rochester Vermont

Outtaquechee River, Quechee Vermont

Annular Solar Eclipse, May 20, 2012
Marian Boardley
Paper Size: 7.5 x 10. 75, digital version are cropped square
$195 framed
boardley_marian_1, entry #460

Total Solar Eclipse, August 21, 2017
Marian Boardley
Paper Size: 6 x 12, digital version are cropped square
$195 framed
boardley_marian_2, entry #461

Marian Boardley
Paper Size: 9 x 12, digital version are cropped square
$195 framed
boardley_marian_3, entry #462

Herd VII

(un)sharpen (**)
Krzysztof Strzoda
Platinum palladium print
7.8 x 11.8 inches
strzodad_krzysztof_2, entry #464

space (dis)continuity 4(3)
Krzysztof Strzoda
Platinum palladium print
7.8 x 7.8 inches
strzodad_krzysztof_3, entry #465

Tracadero 1
William Shewbridge
VanDyke Brown print
11 x 15 inches
shewbridge_bill_1, entry #466

Pont Alexandre III 1
William Shewbridge
gold toned kallitype
11 x 15 inches
shewbridge_bill_2, entry #467

Joshua Tree 7
William Shewbridge
gold toned kallitype
8 x 10 inches
shewbridge_bill_3, entry #468

A Maze of Blue
Robert Singer
7.8 x 11.8 inches
singer_robert_1, entry #469

Robert Singer
VanDyke Brown print
7.8 x 11.8 inches
singer_robert_2, entry #470

Torre di S. Alluccio
Robert Singer
gold toned salt print
7.8 x 11.8 inches
singer_robert_3, entry #471

Krimml Waterfalls
Robert Singer
platinum palladium print
7.8 x 11.8 inches
singer_robert_4, entry #472

Dachstein (Mountain in Austria)
Robert Singer
platinum palladium print
7.8 x 11.8 inches
singer_robert_5, entry #473

Au Juan Stair
Natalia Tcherniak
Cyanotype Print
11 x 14
tcherniak_natalia_1, entry #474
instagram: @nattchbob

Natalia Tcherniak
Cyanotype Print
11 x 14
tcherniak_natalia_2, entry #475
instagram: @nattchbob

Hand Bones City
Natalia Tcherniak
Cyanotype Print
11 x 14
tcherniak_natalia_3, entry #476
instagram: @nattchbob

Natalia Tcherniak
Cyanotype Print
9 x 12
tcherniak_natalia_4, entry #477
instagram: @nattchbob

Kelly 1
Jeffrey Sass
a cyanotype printed on glass covering a silver gelatin print with paint and gold leaf added
16 x 20
sass_jeffrey_1, entry #478

Kelly 2
Jeffrey Sass
a cyanotype printed on glass covering a silver gelatin print with paint and gold leaf added
16 x 20
sass_jeffrey_2, entry #479

Kelly 3
Jeffrey Sass
two vandyke images, printed on glass combined with a cyanotype. Paint, graphite, and gold leaf added.
16 x 20
sass_jeffrey_3, entry #480

Kodachrome Dreaming of Childhood
John Ramsey
Gum Bichromate print, 10 layers
9 x 13.5 inches
ramsey_john_1, entry #481
instagram: @jramsey1186

Anthotype Daisy
John Ramsey
Gum Bichromate print, 3 layers
10 x 13.5 inches
ramsey_john_2, entry #482
instagram: @jramsey1186

John Ramsey
Gum over cyanotype
10 x 13.5 inches
ramsey_john_3, entry #483
instagram: @jramsey1186

Infrared Aurora
John Ramsey
Gum Bichromate print, 5 layers
7.5 x 9.5 inches
ramsey_john_4, entry #484
instagram: @jramsey1186

Lily in Focus
John Ramsey
Gum Bichromate print, 5 layers
7.5 x 9.5 inches
ramsey_john_5, entry #485
instagram: @jramsey1186

at one point I enjoyed the holidays

i can't find that bear anywhere

i wish i still liked music

the sun was hot and wonderful

forever was only a year long